Police officers are accorded not just authority, but also power. But they are also governed and bound by rules, regulations, and strict guidelines that dictate how, when, and under what circumstance that power can be exercised. Although the vast majority of police officers are ethical and honorable in the performance of their duty, there are exceptions. And there are occasions when that power is abused.

Police misconduct can occur in many different forms: police brutality and excessive use of force, wrongful arrest, wrongful imprisonment, illegal and unconstitutional search and seizures, falsified evidence, coerced confessions, malicious prosecution, wrongful police shooting.

The physical, emotional, legal, and financial consequences of police misconduct can be overwhelming. However, there is no need for you to suffer in silence, or to take your mistreatment lying down.

That is why, if you or a loved one has been the victim of any form of police misconduct, it is important that you contact an experienced and skilled attorney – an attorney who will stand by you, who will hold the police to account, and who will fight for you and for your lawful and constitutional rights to obtain the justice and compensation you deserve for the wrongs you have suffered.

Those are precisely the services that Tim Yousif and TJY Law provide.

At TJY Law, we represent victims of all types of police misconduct and civil rights violations including:

  • Use of Excessive Force or Police Brutality.
  • Wrongful Police Shootings.
  • Inappropriate Taser Use.
  • False Arrest.
  • Wrongful Imprisonment.
  • Falsified Evidence or Police Statements.
  • Coerced Confessions.
  • Illegal Search and Seizures.
  • Malicious Prosecution.
  • Illegal Strip Searches.
  • Denial of Medical Care.
  • Overdetention in Jail.
  • Police Negligence.

By taking action against police misconduct, you are not just standing up for your own rights and securing justice and restitution for yourself; you are helping to protect the rights of others, and to prevent other innocent people from becoming victims of the same police misconduct in future.

At TJY Law, we understand the process. We know the system, and how best to present your case. We are dedicated to your success.

Contact TJY Law today at 844-773-7427.